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My stories: in print and online


Below is a sampling of the more interesting and impactful stories I've covered. What you won't see underneath is the day-to-day stories, the commission meetings, the reaction stories or the ordinary events. 

UM program helps HIV-positive teens get medical treatment

My jaw dropped when I found out that Miami-Dade didn't just lead the state, but the *nation* in new HIV transmissions. Hearing the stories of the kids caught at the center of this disease was heartbreaking. 

After 38 years a deaf, blind painter can see

Selris has a story that's been told tens of times over his 41 years. By his mother to doctor after doctor, by his pastor to scool after school and by his teacher to anyone who'd listen. This time, I got the chance to tell it.

Standing up for Florida-friendly lawns not easy when HOA says no

This originated as a state-wide story on this issue. I spoke to affected Floridians from every corner of the state, some who'd lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on these lawsuits against their homeowners associations. I attended meetings across Florida and spoke to researchers, activists and lawmakers about what needs to change.


I tailored it to a Tampa-specific story as my first freelance piece for the Tampa Bay Times. 

Pet cannabis raises questions about hemp's legality in Florida

When a local pet store began selling "pot for pets" I took notice of a story that seemed designed for a college newspaper audience.


But as I looked deeper, I discovered that although the product wasn't actually marijuana, it was treated as such under the law because of a legal loophole that made hemp products illegal in Florida in the 70s.


That loophole still exists.

A shady history: High Springs' new police chief its 5th in 4 years

I began this story as a look into the revolving door of police chiefs in this little town. During my investigation, a new chief was chosen.


My inquiries and FOIA requests for this story even led to the city manager sending a letter to the newspaper's publisher accusing the paper of "blackmail." 










The Pedro Bravo murder trial

As editor-in-chief of the Independent Florida Alligator, I led coverage of the trial for a Santa Fe College found guilty of murdering a UF student.


I wrote thousand word stories daily, live tweeted every minute of the proceedings and even took photos when my photographer couldn’t be there — which was often.


My coverage won the SPJ regional Mark of Excellence award for general news reporting - large schools. 


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